Now, New and Next

Now, New and Next

By Michelle Wright


Now, New and Next,  produced by Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy, is a free digital publication which aims to bring together some of the learning from the Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy programme.

This latest publication is a special edition, focussing on the updated Private Investment in Culture Survey published by Arts Council England.

The environment for arts and cultural fundraising and philanthropy in the context of funding cuts and competition gets ever more challenging, and for leaders and Trustees of arts organisations it can often be hard to know which way to turn. Many organisations struggle to release staff for training and development, and it can be very difficult to build a ‘whole team’ culture to support fundraising, and to determine where best to invest scarce resource.

Download the full publication

You can also access Issue 1 and Issue 2 through the Arts, Fundraising and Philanthropy website.

Resource type: | Published: 2018