Museums, libraries, archives: how they contribute to the community

Museums, libraries, archives: how they contribute to the community

By Museums Libraries & Archives


Museums, libraries and archives have a role to play in achieving important community and local authority agendas. This report gives numerous examples of how the sector makes a unique and effective contribution to the following areas: building stronger and safer communities, helping children and young people, improving adult health and well-being and building a strong economy.

In Gateshead a study showed that almost one in two respondents had accessed health information through libraries, and of the 48% who accessed health information, 35% said that the library service had actually contributed to improving their health.

The Laser Foundation’s report ‘Libraries Impact Project’ July 2005, looking at libraries role in providing health information concluded that there is powerful evidence that libraries have a wider role in supporting public health.

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Community Health Museums
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013