How to use social media effectively
How to use social media effectively
Sarah Clarke
Explore the basics of social media and websites in this simple starting point guide for dance schools. You'll find a short list of tools, techniques and tips to help you develop engaging content and monitor who is looking at it.
The internet has completely changed the face of marketing for all types of industries, not least the dance studio world. And social media has become an essential part of promoting your business, allowing you to reach a completely new audience, increase enrollment and, perhaps most importantly, improving communications with your existing students.
Anyone can set up a Facebook page, start a Twitter account and build up an email subscriber list. The tools are all out there for us to use and most are free, at least when we're first setting out.
But where's the best place to start? An effective, easy-to-navigate website is vital for your business. This then takes you to the next step of improving your search engine rankings and getting your studio name and website address listed in as many places as possible online for maximum exposure.
There are lots of websites that list dance reviews, job listings, local activities in your area and they are usually free to use and are a great way to advertise your studio at little to no cost.
It's also important to understand how people are finding out about you and your website. Tools such as Google Analytics, Woopra or Omniture will give you good statistics on how people are using your site and where they're coming from.