Maintaining successful profiles across multiple social media platforms

Maintaining successful profiles across multiple social media platforms

By Adrian Murphy


London's Horniman Museum and Gardens has a very visible and varied social media presence, posting a wide variety of content to multiple platforms. In this case study, Adrian Murphy, digital media manager at the museum, explains how a digital team of just two people manages this prolific social media activity.

The Horniman is active on many different platforms, how do you ensure they are kept up to date?

We take the approach of encouraging and supporting other individuals at the Horniman to update some of our social profiles and we do this for a number of reasons. It makes more sense logistically for our colleagues to share updates about their work directly to the platforms than it does for them to be sending it to us and us doing it. In addition, this approach means we end up with much more interesting content. With Instagram for example, the photos come directly from five or six different individuals: some of these are staff based in our collections stores, some are working in our conservation and learning departments.

Of course, our team has an overall view of what exhibitions or events are coming up and how these fit into our social media activity but a good deal of the day-to-day updates on some platforms don’t come from the digital team.

Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2013