Libraries Connected
Libraries Connected
Can you tell our readers a bit about what you do?
Libraries Connected is a national charity and an Arts Council England Sector Support Organisation.
We are also a membership organisation for public library heads of service. We have developed a universal offers framework which advocates for the work of public libraries in terms of:
- Reading
- Health and wellbeing,
- Information and digital
- Culture and creativity
These offers attract funding and we co-ordinate national projects and programmes that are delivered and developed locally. We also support workforce development and work in partnership with other national organisations to support libraries and ensure libraries are represented in culture, digital, health and reading for pleasure initiatives.
What is the best way for people to approach you?
Email us at info@librariesconnected.org.uk and follow us on Twitter @libsconnected
What makes your organisation stand out? How do you make a difference to the sector?
We bring public library leaders together, offer an annual conference and connect national partners with libraries supporting innovation and facilitate sharing good practice. We liaise with public library policy makers and develop creative projects and programmes to support sector development
What new initiatives do you have coming up?
Redesigning our universal offers programme. Working on partnership projects for workforce development, and an international project. We are currently awaiting the outcome of two bids. We are also working on regional support for the sector.
What else would you like our readers to know about you and your work?
Through the Culture Offer we are supporting libraries to develop their role within the local cultural economies. Libraries are forging partnerships with local national portfolio organisations, Bridge Organisations and other arts organisations.
Libraries are commissioning art and culture and designing regular programmes of cultural activity. Libraries offer quality experiences locally enabling people who don’t usually have access to enjoy and participate in arts and culture. Libraries also offer relaxed spaces and help new artists test and showcase their work and build audiences.
Resource type: Articles | Published: 2019