Leveraging leadership into income growth
Leveraging leadership into income growth
Sarah Thelwall
LUX is an international arts agency that supports and promotes artists working with the moving image. This paper written by Sarah Thelwall looks at how the models for the development of mixed income streams in non-profit arts organisations are evolving, how organisations such as LUX are leading these developments and the opportunities this presents for the development of artists moving image (AMI) as a whole and the potential benefits for the artists, commercial galleries and public institutions in particular.
LUX also works with institutions such as Tate and Whitechapel Gallery in order to curate and deliver programmes of AMI work within the wider film and exhibition programmes. Over the long term this raises awareness with audiences and builds overall demand for the work. As these programmes do not promote the LUX brand as much as the client brand they should be seen differently to the exhibition programmes that LUX leads.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2015