Lessons in live streaming from National Theatre Wales
Lessons in live streaming from National Theatre Wales
Katie Moffat
Katherine Jewkes
Bradley Manning, the young US soldier who was convicted of releasing the largest set of classified documents ever leaked to the public, spent his early years in west Wales. In 2013 the National Theatre Wales’ (NTW) production The Radicalisation of Bradley Manning, toured around Wales before appearing at the Edinburgh Fringe. Early on in the production process the decision was taken to live stream each performance, as a result over 6,500 audience members watched the Bradley Manning live stream from 1,269 cities in 103 countries.
Initially NTW worked with a series of partners to help with the technical setup of the live stream but by the time the show went up to the Edinburgh Fringe, the team at NTW were fully controlling it themselves. NTW bought the cameras, video encoder and mixers, which means they will also have the technical capability to live stream future productions should they wish. They used Livestream.com to broadcast.
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Audience development Digital Digital content Digital technologies Live streaming Marketing theatre Tour Touring Website Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2013