Legacy Fundraising in the Arts: 2016

Legacy Fundraising in the Arts: 2016

By Arts Quarter


Explore findings from research conducted by Arts Quarter and Legacy Foresight into legacy fundraising in the arts.


As part of our research activities tracking the evolution of fundraising practice in the arts community, we are returning once again to the topic of legacy fundraising - working with leading specialists in this field, Legacy Foresight.

Having explored the development of legacy fundraising in 2010 and 2012, both of us were keen to see how practice and perceptions may have shifted. We are now delighted to share our findings with the arts and cultural communities for the third time.

This latest Arts Quarter online survey was launched on 6th September 2016 and remained available for completion until 3rd October 2016. The survey was launched initially by email to Arts Quarter's own list of 2,691 individuals working within the UK arts and cultural sector, as well as being promoted by Legacy Foresight via their own networks of arts clients and contacts. Invitations to take part were also distributed via Arts Quarter's twitter account and through a series of promotions on LinkedIn, targeted at senior arts professionals.

In all, some 116 responses were received and are reported here. The number of responses to this survey is around a quarter of the levels reached in Arts Quarter's more wide-ranging surveys; we attribute this largely to the current low levels of engagement in legacy fundraising within the sector.

We are extremely grateful to all who took time out to take part in this survey. We hope that these findings will aid arts fundraisers looking to benchmark their own current activities and will provide inspiration for those seeking to learn more about the part that legacy fundraising might play in their revenue generation.

Download the report to explore the findings

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Fundraising Legacies
Resource type: Research | Published: 2017