Kids in Museums: Guide to Welcoming Families with a Wheelchair User
Kids in Museums: Guide to Welcoming Families with a Wheelchair User
Kids in Museums
Kids in Museums believes museums are for everyone. But families with a wheelchair user find that some museums are much better than others at making them feel welcome and included in everything there is to see and do. Her is their Keep and Share Guide to making your venue more accessible.
Wheelchair users come in all shapes, sizes and ages. Some wheelchair users will visit your museum with their parents, others will be the parent bringing their own young family. Some will come as part of a school visit or other group. Some wheelchair users will visit independently and others need someone to assist them. Wheelchair users have different levels of physical strength and different learning abilities. What all wheelchair users who visit museums have in common is the desire to be able to see and experience everything you have on offer – not just the exhibits but also your café, shop, toilets and outside spaces.
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2018