Introduction to Marketing – Impact Hub, Caracas
Introduction to Marketing – Impact Hub, Caracas
Heather Maitland
This resource is a write-up of a presentation given online by Heather Maitland at the Impact Hub Caracas, Venezuela on 19 June 2015. It is an introduction to arts marketing which looks at target audiences and different communication tools; Heather describes nine ideas for effective arts marketing.
Trying a new experience is risky and feels scary. Audiences are willing to take risks but only carefully calculated risks. They want to know that the good things they will get out of the experience will make those risks worthwhile. But we give them facts about our work. We assume that they can interpret those facts and work out for themselves how they will shape their experience. But most don’t know enough about the arts to do that. We need to give them reasons to engage, not facts.
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2015