Infographic of Western Australia's cultural groups
Infographic of Western Australia's cultural groups
Western Australian Department of Culture and the Arts
An audience segmentation study was conducted in 2012 to analyse the data gathered from the Western Australia Department of Culture and the Arts’ Arts and Culture Monitor 2007-2011. This infographic gives a visual summary and overview of the five key segments and the key relevant barriers to arts attendance.
In 2012, DCA assessed information gathered from five years of independent annual surveys* to get a better picture
of the cultural groups in WA. This study segmented our population into five groups according to participation in and attitude towards culture and arts.
Key findings show very favourable attitudes towards:
- supporting Government investment in the arts;
- the benefits of exposure to the arts in school programs;
- the idea that the arts make us feel good and help us understand our culture.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2014