In conversation on the hustle and flex and unapologetic music promotion
In conversation on the hustle and flex and unapologetic music promotion
Rastarella Falade, founder of grass-roots organisations and events, including Cultural Vibrations and Nottingham Global Music Festival in conversation with marketing consultant and DJ, Hardish Virk.
Rastarella Falade is the founder of grass-roots organisations and events, including Cultural Vibrations and Nottingham Global Music Festival.
Rastarella hosts events in established city centre venues that break down social and racial barriers through the medium of live and local music. Her motto is ‘Unity is easy when you look within, not at the skin'. She is also a music mentor and helps many upcoming musicians with marketing, promotions, and assistance in being head hunted.
Hardish Virk has been DJing since the 1980s, facilitated DJ and music production sessions for young people and adults with learning disabilities during the 1990s, ran club nights and lots of other music related events.
He plays music from around the world using vinyl and CDs. Interestingly, he used to DJ at the New Art Exchange in Nottingham and his DJ partner Trevor Woolery also lives in Nottingham.
Rastarella in the East Midlands, and Hardish in the West Midlands are in conversation on the hustle and flex and unapologetic music promotion.