Impact report: Hynt – access scheme for theatres and arts centres across Wales
Impact report: Hynt – access scheme for theatres and arts centres across Wales
Creu Cymru
Hynt exists to make the arts in Wales more accessible to D/deaf, disabled and neurodivergent people. This Impact Report examines the effectiveness of the scheme through research with stakeholders.
Hynt is an Arts Council of Wales initiative, managed by Creu Cymru in partnership with Diverse Cymru. In March 2014 Arts Council of Wales (ACW) appointed Creu Cymru to work in partnership with Diverse Cymru to deliver a single national access scheme for customers with disabilities and their essential companions. Hynt was developed with and by disabled people, the third sector, theatres and arts centres.
The Impact Report is the first time that Creu Cymru has evaluated the scheme in this way.
'We’ve seen the power that access to theatre and the arts can transform, and this was a chance to reinforce our story, share the stories of our users, venues and stakeholders. To share the successes and demonstrate what is brilliant, unique, and bold about the Hynt scheme.'
The report was funded by Arts Council England and written by Abigail Tweed, Milestone Tweed and Mark Richardson, Social Impact Consulting.
The report shows an increase in theatre attendance and an improved quality of life for disabled audience members in Wales.
It makes a number of recommendations for future developments for the scheme and Arts Council Wales (ACW), such as improving data collection and marketing but the main message is to build on the success of nearly a decade of Hynt.
As of October 2023, Hynt has issued 29,866 cards to members to be able to use their Hynt cards in over 41 theatres and arts centres and associate venues across Wales.
These organisations pay to be part of Hynt and as a network receive staff training, an annual symposium and an opportunity to share best practice and learning.
Report highlights
Some of the highlights from the report include:
- 76% of cardholders said being part of Hynt improved their access to culture.
- 89% would go to the theatre less without their Hynt card and 14% would not go at all.
- 82% say Hynt makes going to the theatre more affordable.
- 68% report that Hynt improves their physical access to venues.
- 52% say they are better able to access content.
- 81% of cardholder report Hynt increases the amount of social interaction in their lives.
As a result of being part of the Hynt scheme, cardholders visited theatre 75% more. This resulted in 144,000 more theatre visits across Wales, half of which were full price tickets. 58% of cardholders said they visited a new venue as a result of Hynt.
For every complimentary ticket venues gave to Hynt cardholders, they made an average of £23.53 in additional revenue.
In addition, local economies surrounding Hynt venues benefit to the tune of £3,261,200 a year.
For every £1 spent on Hynt, £6.05 of social value is created.
Hynt venues generate £42.33 in additional value for every complimentary ticket they give away.
Full Word version of the Hynt Impact Report