How well are libraries engaging with the community?
How well are libraries engaging with the community?
Museums Libraries & Archives
The final 150-page report evaluating community use of public libraries following Big Lottery funding. Using case studies, the report measures how well the libraries engage with their communities, whether perceptions of library services have changed and how much impact the funding has made on learning and skills development for users, staff and volunteers.
Impact of community engagement on library perceptions
- The considerable efforts that focused on enhancing the experience of users, and engaging with non-users has made a positive impact on the perceptions of local libraries, particularly held by those who had not previously used or had become actively involved in their library to any significant extent.
- There is no doubt that quality standards in delivering library services have been driven up: people see that libraries are transformed into lighter, brighter, cleaner and friendlier places and this translates into increased usage.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013