How understanding motivation can improve internal communication
How understanding motivation can improve internal communication
Beth Aplin
Understanding what motivates colleagues can be a powerful way of improving internal communication. This article discusses the Language and Behaviour (LAB) profile tool, created by Rodger Bailey, and how it can be used to explore motivation. The tool works from the premise that each individual has their own perception of reality and assumes that people who use the same language patterns exhibit the same behaviours. You'll find an outline of how LAB can reveal how we personally get motivated, process information and make decisions.
- Proactive: ‘I meet with my team every week’
- Mainly Proactive: ‘I meet with my team if it seems like we need it’
- Equally Proactive & Reactive: ‘I meet with my team to go over the current files, it is important to stay informed.’
- Mainly Reactive: ‘Even though you might wonder if it is necessary to meet with the team every week, I do it because it is important that they feel they are being listened to.
- ’Reactive: ‘Even though everybody might wonder if it is really necessary to meet each week, it is important to consider the needs people have of being listened to.’
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Behaviour Communication Internal communication Motivations Professional development Staff