How to write a press release
How to write a press release
Sarah Clarke
Writing an effective press release is an important first step in building up your media relations and giving your story the best chance to be heard. The initial role of a press, or news, release is to provide reporters with the basics needed to develop a news story. This snapshot guide explains how to develop good relationships and improve communication with different media. You'll find tips on writing a successful press release, how and when to distribute it, along with advice about tracking any coverage gained.
Body: further information and explanation about the event or news, with supporting quotes or statistics, including any sponsors or partners you are working with on an event or project. Make sure you get permission and approval to use any quotes. It is also useful to include page numbers but try to stick to under two pages!
Develop your own media lists of publications, radio and TV stations that might be interested in your news. You can do lots of research online, but if you are not sure who to contact at a certain outlet, just call the switchboard and ask for the newsdesk. Also ask for their editorial schedule and check to see whether there are regular inserts in a local publication, ie for young people, that might suit your story and target those.