How cultural heritage organisations can work with the web
How cultural heritage organisations can work with the web
Since 2000 the use of the social web has increased very rapidly in cultural heritage organisations. This report summarises the barriers which have been identified in exploiting its potential and then focuses on the opportunities for social networking and community participation online. It includes examples of how the web can be used to provide or improve access, continuing professional development, education and outreach, marketing and promotion and more.
Eight years ago, it was a major and costly undertaking for a library or archive to provide audio files embedded on its web site. Now, such files can be uploaded to an online service or made available via a widget embedded in a web page that will work with most common browsers.
The Tate has put an excellent series of talks and videos about modern art and artists on iTunes U, including artists explaining their work. It is fortunate to have such resources to produce high quality resources. The relative low cost of small camcorders, and basic free or low cost audio and video editing software, enable even small museums or archives to upload interesting talks or interviews. It is the type of activity for which volunteers may be well-equipped to help.