How to use social and digital media to reach and engage with audiences
How to use social and digital media to reach and engage with audiences
Kingsley Jayasekera
Jesse Ringham
Sam Scott Wood
Practical examples on how to make social and digital media work for you as effective communications tools, how to engage in new ways and measure your success. Find out how to integrate social and digital media use into your wider communications strategy, working out what works for you, what fits within your budget and staffing resources.
Communication not technology should be the driver. Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Let people understand the showsand be informed – video enables us to do this.
Make sure your content is fit for purpose. A lot of companies supply us with material which we can’t use; video diaries of choreographers moaning about how badly it is going don’t help you to sell tickets. It might have a place somewhere but it’s not great for marketing. Also, the trend towards to cinema style trailers doesn’t always work, especially if you are leading people down the wrong road.
Share your content widely and keep it on your site once the event has passed. For searches it has value.
I’m going to talk about the way we have integrated social media into what we do. We don’t do anything radical but we do make the most of the resources that we have. In some ways, small organisations are lucky because they can move quickly and do
things without lengthy approval processes, but we don’t have the money or the time.