How to manage data and research to support fundraising
How to manage data and research to support fundraising
Lisa Gribling
The Rotterdam Philharmonic (RPhO) is a modern orchestra that has its roots deep in the classical music tradition and embodies the temperament of its home base, Rotterdam. This case study explores the ways in which the RPhO are planning to develop income generation from major gifts by strengthening integrated research. By introducing prospect mapping and tracking tools, the RPhO's fundraising team will utitlise data in order to get ‘inside the donors head’ and make the right approach.
A prospect map includes a photo and information on the prospects background, family situation, financial situation, characteristics, known relations, relation to the organisation, philanthropic activities, motivations for giving etc. For the RPhO it answers questions like: What kind of music does s/he like? Does s/he frequently buy tickets (if so, what for)? Was s/he at the gala? Which table? Who did s/he speak with? Does s/he participate in other cultural networks in Rotterdam and the Netherlands? What else does s/he support? From what we know about him/her, what kind of projects would s/he donate to? The prospect tracker holds information on the giving history, aimed target, likelihood of giving, last contact, next action and contact person and is used to support continuing appropriate communication with the prospect/donor.