How to develop believable copy
How to develop believable copy
Heather Maitland
An essential guide to communicating effectively with your audiences and visitors, creating copy that will be listened to, understood and believed. With tips on avoiding overused words and cliches, and making your copywriting sound personal and engaging, this guide can help you to refresh your approach to creating dialogue with existing and new audiences that will enable long lasting and deeper relationships to be developed.
Different parts of our brains do different things. Broadly speaking, deciding what we want to say is left-brain and writing beautiful words is right-brain. Our right-brain is quite delicate and is easily bullied. In order to help our right-brain perform well, it helps to prepare ourselves before we write:
• Who are you talking to?
• What are they like and who are they influenced by?
• What are they interested in?
• What is your common ground?
• What is an appropriate tone of voice to use?
• What action you want your target group to take? What information do they need?
If you have all this sorted out you can get your right brain to flourish not whither.
We need to be able to talk to audiences but we need to ask them the right questions. It’s very difficult asking people to describe it to their next door neighbour, but ask them the three words that are in their mind after they’ve seen it or ‘can you remember something in the show?’ and ask them to talk about it will work better. They’re non-pressured questions and easier to answer.