How to develop a marketing strategy with impact
How to develop a marketing strategy with impact
Sam Evans
Find out how to build long term marketing plans for your organisation that can deliver real impact, asking the relevant questions like 'where are we heading', 'what's our vision', and using Aristotle's Three Pillars of Rhetoric as the starting blocks that enable you to gain the support of your colleagues. Find guidance on how to be the 'voice' of audiences or visitors within your organisation, foster a sense of ownership amongst managers, and tips on thinking strategically for each department.
Ethos – reputation of marketing: the contribution the department and team make to the organisation and getting it valued. Marketing should be about the communication with the external world. This should include the bigger picture, not just a focus on current visitors.
Share the creativity:
• People support their own ideas, not what other people have designed
• If you can see the strategy as a process and involve colleagues, it will create ownership
• At The National Archives, Sam held number of days with people which took a lot of organising but saved work in the long term
• The best strap line came from outside the marketing department
Get people in a room and just brainstorm. Explain where the organisation is and where it needs to be and then discuss how you get there. That way you don't have to convince them of your strategy because they've helped build it, which is good marketing.