How to creatively teach science through music
How to creatively teach science through music
Janet Chapman
Explore the impact of innovative teaching methods in science on attainment, achievement and attitudes of pupils. By encouraging teachers to use music when exploring the science of sound, this project demonstrates how lessons can be made more engaging.
Aim of the project
The aim of the project was to explore the impact of innovative teaching methods on attainment/achievement and attitudes in science. This project focused on the teaching of sound through music. The overall aim of the project was to encourage teachers to be more creative in their approach to science teaching in order to make science more interesting, exciting and engaging for the children.
Dimensions of the study
Project Participants:
Year 2 teachers and children at Light Oaks Infant School were involved in the project but the Action Research focused on eighteen children. The eighteen children included a boy and girl from each ability range (high, average and low achievers) from each of the three classes.
Project Partners:
Musician - Eugene Skeef (London). Eugene was the musician on the PAL Creative Science Teaching Lab II.
Scientists - Dr. Andy Moorhouse and postgraduate students from the Acoustics Department at Salford University.
Summary of main findings
- The project was linked to a major improvement in the children’s attitude to science.
- Most children used the word ‘excited’ to describe their feelings about science.
- There were marked improvements in the children’s perceptions regarding their own achievements in science.
- The children’s knowledge and understanding of sound across the ability range increased.
- There were strong connections between learning in music and science evident throughout.
- Following the hands on nature of the activities, the children were able to talk about their learning in more depth.