How to carry out research into children, young people and families
How to carry out research into children, young people and families
Dr Roger Courtney
This guide was designed to help community and voluntary organisations in Northern Ireland to research what works in relation to their service-users; what has been shown nationally and internationally to be most effective in producing the desired outcomes for the people they work with. It should enable organisations in the voluntary and community sector to make better and more informed decisions both about what they are doing and the impact of what they are doing. This document is not a comprehensive guide to research or evaluation, but serves to highlight a number of key aspects of the research process. In addition, it document signposts sources of more detailed information and guidance.
This guide focuses primarily on how to access, gather and analyse evidence in relation to what works (i.e. what produces positive outcomes) for children, young people and/or families.
The clearer you are about what you want, the more you will get what you want.
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2013