How to build a relevant and effective social media campaign
How to build a relevant and effective social media campaign
Hans de Kretser
It's important that any social media campaign reflects the vision of your organisation, as well as fulfilling marketing goals and reaching your target market. This article outlines the practical steps that marketers can take in order to build a relevant and effective social media campaign. It presents a variety of possible social media solutions and practical case studies to demonstrate how organisations can make the most of the latest advances in new media.
There are plenty of free applications which can be used to make a blog: blogadot.com and wordpress for example. They’re well constructed but you can also customise it in the way you want to.
Tools for analyzing trends:
– TweetStats (tweetstats.com)
– Twist (twist.flaptor.com)
– TweepDiff (tweepdiff.com)
– CoTweet (cotweet.com)