How to bring tourism and culture together
How to bring tourism and culture together
Genny Fernandes
This case study outlines how the London Borough of Camden brings culture and tourism together. It describes how they have achieved this by co-ordinating a range of practical projects, campaigns and strategic initiatives to join up the offer between culture and the visitor economy. You'll find tips for how your organisation can implement the learning points from their work, including making it easy for visitors to navigate your offer.
Top tips for other organisations:
• Provide clear evidence for the impact of culture and tourism to make the case for continued
investment. This may require initial investment from you (e.g. in an economic impact study
or case studies).
• Promote your full offer: showcase the hidden gems alongside the big hitters
• Make it easy for visitors to navigate your offer
• Tap in to the skills and opportunities of people already active in the sector – e.g. get
concierges to promote your offer (but remember, this means taking the time to equip them
with the right information, and rewarding them for their time investment)
Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2013