How should staff of an organisation use social media ethically and protect the company’s reputation?

How should staff of an organisation use social media ethically and protect the company’s reputation?

By Ford Motor Company


These guidelines from the Ford Motor Company for its staff are an at-a-glance summary of how to behave in the social media world in an ethical and responsible way , observing lines between the company and private views, honesty, good manners, and times when they might have to refer upwards. Useful for any arts marketer, press or PR person or internal communications manager with responsibility for social media communications.

In brief, our guidelines for engaging on the social Web consist of the following core principles:

1. Honesty about who you are

2. Clarity that your opinions are your own

3. Respect and humility in all communication

4. Good judgment in sharing only public information – including financial data

5. Awareness that what you say is permanent

Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2013