How NHS Scotland revamped their evaluation processes and channels
How NHS Scotland revamped their evaluation processes and channels
Mark Magnante
Take a look at this non-arts case study for a brief overview of how NHS Scotland revamped their evaluation processes and channels. NHS Scotland invested in an app to help them capture patients’ digital stories via video based questionnaires. They also developed an innovative online research package that allows children, their families and carers to express themselves through drawings (launched in early 2013). The early feedback from staff and patients on these news tools has been very positive. One of the main benefits is that the approach gives patients the ability to say what they want, where they want, and when they want. Video content can also help bring the research report to life.
The result of this work is that there is now a wide range of ways in which patients can express themselves, and it is now much easier to analyse and present the results of that expression.
The scale of the challenge, given the scale and complexity of the NHS, is huge. Perhaps inevitably, in the process of defining and developing the tools, crystal clear communication of objectives, requirements, specifications and changes has not always been possible, leading to delays and some frustration. But there is widespread recognition that capturing this richer feedback is the way forward, so such stumbling blocks are accepted as part of the process.
Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2013