How intelligence supports more effective strategic cultural tourism marketing

How intelligence supports more effective strategic cultural tourism marketing

By James Elder
Karen Roebuck


Interpreting and applying the ArkLeisure segmentation model for culture, and especially cultural tourists, is about understanding values, needs, aspirations and interests. Tourism South East used the model to bring partners together to build a picture of the market, identify opportunities, develop channels and campaigns to increase income (for day visits and overnight stays) and consistency of messaging and visitor insight.

Identify gaps and opportunities: They use the segmentation to understand what types of people are attending which attractions. By building a comprehensive picture of audiences across the region, they were able to identify particular geographic areas in which some key segments were missing. And so they did three campaigns to encourage more movement and engagement of particular segments.

Craft new marketing messages: Using the segments to find new ways to inspire people to visit, and feeding this into a PR launch to reinvigorate media about museums, using the segments as inspiration for new angles... e.g. a special atmosphere for a meal, a place to get married, find out about sports legends.

Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2013