How ethnography can be used in arts marketing
How ethnography can be used in arts marketing
Siamack Salari
A demonstration of the value of ethnography – how to interpret outcomes rather than needs in order to understand the drivers for attending the arts. Siamack Salari argues that it can provide new insights into the way that consumers interact or engage with the arts and includes interviews with a couple of arts attenders, finding out what influences them to attend arts events.
Influences for Danni
Danni subscribes to TimeOut; she uses it to find out what’s on and because it’s a ‘good publication’; however she doesn’t read many newspapers, getting it mainly from BBC Radio 4 and the BBC News at Ten.
Danni doesn’t read anything about what she's going to see, like a critic or review, because she likes the surprise; she doesn't want to know what other people think or she doesn't want to know the story.