How can we best extend public library opening times?
How can we best extend public library opening times?
Chris Moore
We do not yet live in a society which can fund opening for libraries 24/7. This detailed report examines opening hours with special reference to Sundays. The research sets this in a context of current social, economic and political developments and highlights a set of critical success factors and helpful practice.
The Keep Sunday Special campaign group seeks to promote Sunday as being a clear day that people can “have time for family, friends and community” in order that people have time to “rest and enjoy” themselves. They also go on to say, slightly less specifically, that they “believe in keeping just one day a week a bit special.”
It is unclear how this relates to libraries, as venues which can allow families time to rest and enjoy themselves, individually or together, and to meet with and engage with their community. They are certainly opposed to the opening of garden centres for more than their permitted hours and also the leisure pursuit of game shooting.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013