How arts organisations in the North West addressed new ways of developing audiences
How arts organisations in the North West addressed new ways of developing audiences
Arts Council England
This report gathers the findings from a number of initiatives by arts organisations around the North West to develop new audiences among specific low engagement groups, including disabled people, culturally diverse groups and young people. There is also a toolkit to help arts marketers and audience development and engagement staff carry on such work themselves.
If you want to achieve success for your organisation what are the pitfalls you need to look out for?
- Developing an inappropriate project idea: it is important that project ideas are realistic and relevant to the work of your organisation. It can be tempting to put together a project idea because a funding opportunity exists. Taking on project activity does mean more work and always takes longer than you think it will. The commitment to a new area of work needs to be evident across the whole organisation.
Ensure that colleagues from within the organisations know about the project being undertaken, understand the aims and objectives and are willing to be supportive. Other colleagues may have expertise that can be utilised and can be encouraged to take responsibility and ownership of aspects of the project.