Heart of Glass: non-arts partnerships
Heart of Glass: non-arts partnerships
Ecorys UK
Learn from Heart of Glass' experience of developing non-arts partnerships in this case study, which explores impact, outcomes and good practice.
Project summary
Heart of Glass is an ambitious programme of arts and cultural activity for St Helens. The programme aims to place the town's unique cultural heritage at its core and to explore how the arts can make a contribution to creating a new cultural identity for St Helens.
Heart of Glass is one of 21 Creative People and Places (CPP) programmes funded by Arts Council England. It was established as a collaborative programme of action research, which brings together a unique consortium of organisations.
Drawing on interviews with the Heart of Glass staff team and its partners, this case study explores non-arts partnerships in practice and focuses on the impact and outcomes of the programme. It further examines the approaches that are considered to be good practice and unpicks the building blocks for success and programme sustainability.
Key findings
Heart of Glass has a team of committed partners both within and outside of the arts, and it successfully collaborates with a wide network of partners at different levels - locally, regionally and nationally - to deliver its artistic programme.
As a consortium, Heart of Glass is passionate about creating meaningful and thought-provoking art projects which are rooted in the specifics of the place and community they are working with.
Working as a partnership has enabled Heart of Glass to have a strong strategic focus and to ensure that sustainability is built-in as an integral part of the programme to maximised the legacy opportunities.