Harnessing communities to enrich online arts engagement
Harnessing communities to enrich online arts engagement
Meg Pickard
Discover new ways to engage audiences and visitors online between visits, and how research can give insights into why people participate on social networks. This resource highlights the benefits that engaging with people online can offer to arts and cultural organisations. It examines four ways of approaching content: consumption, interaction, curation and creation, and explores effective types of online engagement that arts marketers can apply.
This is something known about from anthropology but modern social networking sites back up the idea of an optimum number of individuals that a person can reasonably ‘know’ (or have meaningful contact with) within any community. Linked-in and Facebook also reflect this: less than 25 friends or contacts is very poor, more than 500 suggest that it can't be true, but 150 seems to be the magic number.
Experimentation, tinkering with identity, playing with silly ideas is also important. This allows people to belong to tribes and be playful in those environments; many social environments are absolutely pivoted to that.
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