Growing community arts with people with disabilities

Growing community arts with people with disabilities

By Western Australian Department of Culture and the Arts


This Australian case study gives an overview of an ongoing partnership between the Victoria Park Centre for the Arts and Nulsen (acknowledged as a leader in Australia in the field of caring for people with profound and severe disabilities). The partnership was designed to enable Nulsen residents to thrive in the artist community and find a place in the larger Victoria Park community. This case study is from ‘Open Arts: Reflections on the Disability and the Arts Inclusion Initiative in Western Australia’ (a partnership between the Department of Culture and the Arts and the Arts and Disability Services Commission).

The partnership has delivered more to the participants than physical outcomes like the fountain and garden projects. The enduring relationships are prized beyond that. The movement into the larger realm of the community and further artistic opportunities are other obvious outcomes. This increased profile then leads to further developments made with people with disabilities in mind.

Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2014