Gaining people's interest and attention
Gaining people's interest and attention
Jon Gilchrist
Effective marketing campaigns to capture audience interest and attention and increase attendance. Looks at the competition for people's leisure time and limited disposable income, and explores how marketing campaigns and communications can be made to stand out from the crowd. A case study of The Lowry, Manchester.
We did some research recently through a company called Indigo into the differences between audiences to the Lowry Theatres and the Lowry Galleries. It revealed that the differences between the two are startlingly pronounced in some ways. I was surprised to see only 10 per cent of our theatre audience is aged 65 and over, contrasting with 23 per cent for galleries.
When we looked at the distance travelled, it became clear that our gallery audiences were prepared to travel much further than our theatre audiences. 20 per cent of theatre audiences were coming from over 30 miles whereas the figure was over 40 per cent for gallery audiences.
When we looked at newspaper readership, it was no surprise to see readership of The Guardian at the top as Guardian readers are natural arts consumers but even within this variable there are big differences; readership of The Guardian was much higher (37 per cent) among gallery audiences than (26 per cent) theatre audiences. There are some massive differences in leisure attendance.