Find further information and corrections to the guidelines for access in buildings
Find further information and corrections to the guidelines for access in buildings
Arts Council England
Anne Hornsby
These amendments update the earlier guidelines issued, and include contacts for related professional bodies. They are useful for building managers and arts marketers or audience development professions wishing to ensure their venue is accessible for all audiences, following the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act.
Emergency and evacuation procedures
Venue organisers and managers are responsible for the safety of all staff, visitors and members of the public within their buildings. It is essential that strategies are in place to ensure that the building can be successfully evacuated in case of fire or other emergencies. These strategies must satisfy current legislation and have the approval of the appropriate authorities. Consideration of evacuation of disabled people should form part of the venue’s risk assessment procedures.
Procedures must be written down, rehearsed and revised at regular intervals. A basic easy to read information sheet should be readily available for whoever is on duty.
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2013