Festivals Mean Business 3: A Survey of Arts Festivals in the UK
Festivals Mean Business 3: A Survey of Arts Festivals in the UK
In 2000, the British Arts Festivals Association (BAFA) commissioned its first economic impact study into the UK arts festivals sector. Festivals Mean Business (FMB1) established a snapshot of the sector and proved invaluable in demonstrating the economic and cultural contribution that festivals make to the UK. In 2002, an update, Festivals Mean Business II (FMB2), showed how the arts festival sector had changed since 2000. In 2007, sam was commissioned to undertake the next stage of research - Festivals Mean Business III (FMB3). The purpose of this was to build upon the previous studies, to provide an up-to-date picture of the UK arts festivals sector and to assess its contribution in the UK more accurately.
FMB3 provides a detailed overview of the BAFA membership and the wider arts festivals sector, looking specifically at the following areas:
- scope and scale
- activity and programming
- number of attendances and events
- employment
- financial activity and economic contribution
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Festivals Resource type: Research | Published: 2015