Family friendly toolkit
Family friendly toolkit
Arts Council England
Still widely used, this family friendly toolkit is designed to support arts organisations who want to make a commitment to families - making it easier for families to take part in the arts, as audiences and participants. Aimed at arts professionals and drawing on extensive research and interviews, it contains experiences and practical examples of good practice from many cultural organisations to help develop work for families.
If you carry out an audit you can:
• assess your current levels of family friendliness
• identify areas for improvement
• work with colleagues to overcome hurdles
and find solutions
• increase awareness of what makes an organisation
family friendly
• lay the foundations for your policy and action plan.
On the next page you will find a sample template that you can use ‘off the shelf’ or adapt to suit your needs. The action plans on the following pages show you examples of how the template has been adapted to suit other organisation’s specific needs. These examples show how two organisations used an action plan in the early stages of their family friendly work.
Resource type: Guide/tools | Published: 2013