Explore the concerns raised by local government arts officers in 2008
Explore the concerns raised by local government arts officers in 2008
National Association of Local Government Arts Officers
The summaries of breakout sessions at nalgao’s 2008 conference reveal the issues of concern to local authority arts officers, including 1. How do nalgao and ACE work together? 2. Arts Strategies 3. How can artists and art organisations and local authorities work better together? 4. DCMS open space – What can DCMS do for you? 5. Rural Touring (RT) and Rural Cinema (RC) Open Space Forum session: “ Inspired by the carbon footprint debate” 6. Arts & the Under 5’s 7. Can we make the Cultural Olympiad less boring?
Some general comments:
· Artists and arts organisation representatives often feel as though they are treated like staff by ADOs
· How ADOs are treated by arts orgs - respect and understanding works both ways!
· ADOs are seen as 'gatekeepers' to the language of government and funding
· There is presently no professional framework for ADOs
· Are arts organisations connected to LSP – arts strategy? Could be useful allies in arts cultural forums and RFOs as external partners can influence council members
· Arts Development is focused on service level agreements and performance measures. Social impacts are measured by outputs columns and constant monitoring - ADOs tick boxes where arts organisations don't have to. A number of different sets of measures – more strategic vision would help simplify this data collection
· Performance indicators across different agencies all vary which highlights the disparity of data gathering and reporting framework.