Explore case studies of how the arts and artists have contributed to regeneration and vibrant communities
Explore case studies of how the arts and artists have contributed to regeneration and vibrant communities
Arts Council England
In these case studies ACE identifies a range of artistic practice from across the country and looks at the role and impact of creativity within regeneration. The projects vary in scale and endeavour, but each identifies the very particular way that artists can influence and respond to regeneration. Each illustrates some of the ways art and artists are able to introduce enquiry, delight and responsiveness to initiatives that can sometimes threaten to overwhelm the very communities that they are intended to reach.
The Pan Urban Extension involves integrating almost 1,000 new homes with 1,195 existing houses and flats. Currently, Pan has limited community facilities and a poor reputation locally. Residents statistically suffer high levels of ill health and low levels of educational achievement. One challenge for the Extension is to raise aspirations of the residents with a view to promoting cohesion between present and future communities. The project also aims to promote high quality design in volume housing.
Gerry Wall and Ben Coode-Adams were appointed lead artists for Art at the Centre inĀ 2005. They conceived a series of participatory projects called Pan Utopia. One of these was Ideal Home which took place in Architecture Week 2006. Artists, architects and students generated design ideas for the ideal community.
Art at the Centre hopes that some of these ideas such as a geothermal heat system, a landmark building with multifunctional community spaces and a view from every home, will be incorporated into the site itself.