Evaluation of the northwest heritage tourism programme
Evaluation of the northwest heritage tourism programme
Katie Foster
Rayska Heritage
The Heritage Tourism Programme was hosted by Culture Northwest on behalf of the Northwest Regional Development Agency and English Heritage. This is an evaluation of the project at the end of its three year term which identifies its outputs and outcomes, demonstrates whether measures of success have been met, and makes recommendations for the future. In particular it includes an assessment of the Heritage Tourism Improvement (grant) Scheme and the work of the Heritage Tourism Executive.
The main aims of the evaluation are to be
- summative of the successes & key issues of this first tranche of the scheme
- formative by making recommendations for its future operation.
The general response to the work carried out over the last three years by the Heritage Tourism Executive has been very positive with over 85% of the respondees to the e-survey and 100% of the grant recipients being very positive.
Resource type: Research | Published: 2013