Engaging young people with public libraries through live events
Engaging young people with public libraries through live events
Emma Parsons
This case study examines how innovation helped to engage and develop the low library-using 14-25 age group (and other library non-users) with public libraries through a programme of the best new emerging live music supported by associated creative workshops and training opportunities. The project actively supported the NEET (not in employment, education or training) agenda in a contemporary way, engaging hard-to-reach groups in deprived communities with youth-led volunteering, educational and social opportunities.
Get It Loud in Libraries (GILIL) is a nationally recognized, award-winning project created for culturally aware and hard to reach young people which ran in Lancashire Libraries and across the wider UK for six years. The approach has allowed an exciting forward looking project to be developed on sound principles and solid foundations. A fast emerging network of libraries and partners has supported the direction of Get It Loud In Libraries and the key engagement of young people has been central to all the project's success. Get It Loud In Libraries has never lost sight of its original aims and objectives and has remained resolute to delivering its defining rationale.
Resource type: Case studies | Published: 2013