Engaging older people with culture
Engaging older people with culture
The Audience Agency
Cultural organisations are considering the impact that an ageing society will have on the sector. In this useful pack you'll find resources to help you be 'bolder and wiser' in your approaches with this audience. It includes facts and figures, cultural engagement information and a list of potential partner organisations who work with older people.
An ageing population
• There are now more pensioners than people under 16
• One in four babies born today will live to be a hundred
• One in three of us is now over 50
• The fastest growing age group is people over 80
• In just over 15 years, people over 50 will represent the majority of the population.
• As the older population grows, it becomes more diverse.
Participation and social inclusion
• Participation in many activities - including culture, sports, leisure and learning - declines with age, with those aged 75 or over having significantly lower rates of participation than all other age groups.
• Adults from upper socio-economic groups have higher rates of participation than those from lower socio-economic groups.
• 2.1 million pensioners live in poverty.
• The number of women experiencing loneliness rises from around 35% in the 50-59 age groups to over 50% among the 80+ age group.