Engaging audiences with video and interactive TV
Engaging audiences with video and interactive TV
Rachel Coldicutt
Tobias Moller
Internet-connected and interactive TV is an emerging technology that offers new marketing opportunities for the arts and cultural sectors to reach audiences in their own homes. Learn how and why arts marketers can factor interactive TV and video into their organisation's strategy. A case study from the Berlin Philharmonic looks at how they are enabling people to enjoy concerts on the internet from anywhere in the world.
There are two kinds of connected TV. The type that comes off a box like Virgin or Sky or alternatively there is the type that you watch in a browser. The type that comes out of the box is much harder to do because there are lots of hardware issues and standards to consider. Browser TV, which might come through your computer or on the mobile device, is easier but still has its complications.
In the second case we might not even be talking about a 'TV' at all as it could be carried around on a computer or a mobile device. 4OD has just launched on tablets for example.
To make it even more complicated it might not even be video – it could be games or internet related content.