Email automation — how to make your life easier
Email automation — how to make your life easier
Paul Blundell
Emails play an important role in digital marketing and email marketing platforms can help you make the most of this marketing tool. In this session recorded at Digital Heritage Lab's Digital Skills Day, Paul Blundell will introduce you to a range of providers to show how email automation can make your working life easier and help you decide which one to use.
This recording is 40 minutes in length.
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Resource type: Webinars and films | Published: 2021

The Digital Heritage Lab is a project managed by the Arts Marketing Association (AMA) in partnership with Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy, One Further and the Collections Trust and funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund as part of the Digital Skills for Heritage initiative. It is a free programme for small and medium sized heritage organisations seeking to develop their digital capabilities and capacity.