Discover the experience of We Play – the North West’s arts festival for London 2012 and the Cultural Olympiad
Discover the experience of We Play – the North West’s arts festival for London 2012 and the Cultural Olympiad
We Play
Cultural Olympiad
This evaluation of ‘We Play’ - the North West’s celebration of the London 2012 Olympic Games and Paralympic Games - presents a summary of the key outcomes and achievements. The evaluation measured success of the WE PLAY mission was: to create an ambitious and inspiring four year cultural project for young people and local communities in the North which builds on key regional strengths, celebrates the benefits of PLAY and leaves a sustainable legacy beyond 2012. The overarching objectives were organised around four themes: provision and product; participation; partnership; and profile. It includes short case studies with the evaluation results.
Audience ratings of the quality of the events were consistently high across the years and programme strands with 95% of audiences rating the quality of events as good or excellent. The ratings were consistently high regardless of audience group type, previous engagement levels, origin, ethnicity or socio economic situation. There was no significant difference between age groups with young adults aged 19-25 rating the quality of events just as highly as those from other age groups. The findings demonstrate the success of the programme in delivering high quality work as perceived by people from all backgrounds, demographics and levels of prior engagement.
“Thank you for bringing the Harmonic Fields to the Lakes. It is an amazing art installation, never experienced anything like it before. It was most intriguing and very clever – a brilliant combination of art and physics.” Visitor to Lakes Alive Harmonic Fields, Ulverston