Digital fundraising ― getting started
Digital fundraising ― getting started
Zoe Amar
In this Digital Heritage Lab webinar recording, Zoe Amar provides an introduction to digital fundraising. She looks at how to get started, how to improve your fundraising practice, tips for success, key pitfalls and how to measure success. This resource will give you the building blocks for digital fundraising.
This webinar recording is 41 minutes in length.
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Digital Digital engagement Digital Heritage Fundraising Online fundraising Virtual fundraising Resource type: Webinars and films | Published: 2021
The Digital Heritage Lab is a project managed by the Arts Marketing Association (AMA) in partnership with Arts Fundraising & Philanthropy, One Further and the Collections Trust and funded by The National Lottery Heritage Fund as part of the Digital Skills for Heritage initiative. It is a free programme for small and medium sized heritage organisations seeking to develop their digital capabilities and capacity.