Delivering artistic excellence to capitvate and engage.
Delivering artistic excellence to capitvate and engage.
Dave Moutrey
Sarah Perks
A strategic review highlighted the real possibility of major cuts in public funding for the arts leading up to and post the Olympic Games of 2012. This realisation led to new targets around increasing attendances for existing product, as well as the need to identify new business opportunities. Learn how The Cornerhouse managed to maintain its standing with existing audiences whilst at the same time learning to engage with people in different ways.
It was felt that the audience expected artistic policy to continue to be in the realm of contemporary visual art and film. Therefore, Cornerhouse would continue to:
• be concerned with the art and culture of now
• work with innovative artists and filmmakers
• critically engage with ideas through the work of artists and filmmakers
• be international in outlook and approach
• be an even stronger and higher profile part of the artistic and cultural life of the city and region
• work towards the widest possible audience engagement and participation
• work in ways that do not confine the programme within the confines of the building, so use public spaces, other venues, web, internet, publishing etc….
But more than this was the realisation that sometimes audiences wanted to engage in different ways; they wanted to be active participants and to make a contribution. In addition,
and perhaps uniquely, ‘open source’ working was to be placed at the heart of what Cornerhouse was doing.