Culture Restart: Trends and trajectories

Culture Restart: Trends and trajectories


The Insights Alliance (Baker Richards, Indigo and One Further) look back on 18 months of data gathered directly from cultural audiences - the fluctuations in confidence levels, the key dividing issues and the lessons we've learnt along the way.

The final webinar from Culture Restart considers how the sector can use this insight to build resilience and continue to develop innovative ways to engage with audiences.



Download the Webinar slides (PDF)

headshots of Katy Raines, Chris Unitt and David Barnes

About Culture Restart

The Culture Restart Audience & Visitor Tracker is the successor to Indigo Ltd’s After the Interval sentiment tracker. Developed by the Insights Alliance – Indigo Ltd, Baker Richards and One Further – the Tracker has been following sentiments and confidence of cultural audiences since October 2020. Reports have been released regularly, with Baker Richards providing analysis of the data and results shared in an interactive dashboard created by One Further.

Resource type: Webinars and films | Published: 2021