Composers, Performers and their Audiences
Composers, Performers and their Audiences
Dr Karen Wise
John Sloboda
How do audiences experience engagement activities, and how do they impact on experiences in concert - particularly with new work? Guildhall School of Music and Drama ran a joint research project with Britten Sinfonia to investigate. This presentation explores the research and reveals some of the findings. If you would like more information on this research, please contact Claire Bowdler at Britten Sinfonia.
- How are audience members’ experiences of new work affected when they participate in a final rehearsal process as well as the performance of a piece?
- How do performers experience interactions in small ensembles, in particular when premiering new music?
- How do audience members experience these interactions, and what enhances/detracts from their engagement?
- What kinds of exchange do composers and audiences most value in relation to new work, and how do these inform making and listening processes
Resource type: Research | Published: 2014